Wednesday, July 3, 2013

my key

so yesterday i broke into my own house.. it was hard because the window ledge wasn't sturdy and i almost fell, but i didnt and then when i got into my house i felt like a ninja because i was all quite and i had to get my stuff so i can leave., i hate not having a key anymore :/

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

my sister

otay so my sister got her phone taken a couple of days ago, so i let her use my phone because she would do the same for me..NEVER again will i let her use my phone because i told her last night "aisha i need my phone so when your done bring it back to my room" . i left my door open for this girl and i never never leave my door open and she didn't even bring it back, i woke up late and i missed my bus. but i caught another bus with me friends but no its still..   .i'm done  i'm never gonna let her use my phone again